Traditional change Management Solutions to Help Your Organization

Ilona has 9 years of diverse Organizational Change Management and Transformation Consultancy leadership experience that helped to improve organizational performance of both private and public sector clients on multi-year, multi-phase global consulting engagements.

Ilona's Motto: "Get the job done in the best possible way!"

Service 1

Organizational and Stakeholder Readiness Assessment
Understand the business and cultural factors driving the business. Identify key supporters as well potential risks and areas of resistance. Develop Risk Mitigation Action Plan while working with client.

Service 2

Articulate Vision and Business Case for the Change Effort
Align the vision for the change with strategic, operational and financial drivers and communicate to all stakeholders.

Service 3
Design and Implement Change Strategy
Design an explicit strategy and plan which defines the nature and sequence of specific activities and resources required to facilitate the change process.

Service 4
Mobilize and Align Leaders Align leaders’ values and behaviors with the business vision; develop leaders' skills to drive change, and accept responsibility for doing so.

Service 5
Engage and Communicate With Stakeholders
Design a strategy and tailored tactical key messages to build program awareness, understanding, ability and buy-in of stakeholders. Utilize a two-way feedback mechanism to gauge effectiveness.

Service 6
Align Organization and Workforce for the Change
Organizational design and HR/performance management systems are aligned, workforce transition strategy is deployed to ensure employees and managers have the tools they will need to succeed in the new environment.

Service 7

• Comprehensive ERP/SAP Specific Organizational Change Management Solutions

• SAP Center of Excellence Building Strategy and Tactical Plan Design and Implementation

Services For You

New state-of-the-art Change Portfoliio Management Solution provides executives and managers a high-level view of the Porfolio of Change within the organization. Click here to get competitive!
Traditional Organizational Change Management Solutions provided to meet unique needs of your enterprise. Click here to benefit from the service offerings that have improved the performance of many clients already!
Examples of Typical Results and Client Benefits
Click here to view why clients provide "trusted advisor" feedback for Ilona.