New, Change Portfolio Management

Why Do Businesses Need Change Portfolio Management?
Most organizations are facing more and more changes each day but very few have a cross-business strategic view of
• what changes are going on across the enterprise
• how they interact with one another and
• the cumulative consequences of the changes on funding, schedule and on the same shared resources.

Operating without this high-level view might work for a
short time, but eventually the lack of a cross-business
strategy for prioritization and resource allocation can lead to
• change saturation and collision of initiatives.

Time to See the Big Picture and Maximize ROI

The time has come for a new enterprise-wide integrated approach for understanding, managing and delivering a portfolio of complex business improvement initiatives in the most cost and time-efficient way, which minimizes both organizational and employee disruptions and maximizes ROI.

Through its proprietary Change Portfolio Management Toolkit, developed by the Prosci Research Center, Better Change Management Consulting helps executives and managers to develop a
high-level “point in time” snapshot view of the cumulative and collective impact of the portfolio of change initiatives on people, investment and project health across the organization.

This high-level strategic overview enables executives and managers to mitigate risks by adjusting priorities, plans, and resource allocation accordingly, thereby keeping changes on track and deliver expected ROI.

Change Portfolio Management Services

Better Change Management Consulting offers three types Change Portfolio Management services:

One-time intervention to systematically inventory the multiple change efforts and provide a snapshot of the health and risk of the entire change portfolio

“Over-time”, periodic assessments to help govern the portfolio of changes

Knowledge transfer to increase internal change capacity of the organization

Copyright Prosci. Used with permission.

Services For You

New state-of-the-art Change Portfoliio Management Solution provides executives and managers a high-level view of the Porfolio of Change within the organization. Click here to get competitive!
Traditional Organizational Change Management Solutions provided to meet unique needs of your enterprise. Click here to benefit from the service offerings that have improved the performance of many clients already!
Examples of Typical Results and Client Benefits
Click here to view why clients provide "trusted advisor" feedback for Ilona.