Better Change


Better Change Management is a management consulting company, owned and operated by Ilona Pesti, specializing in providing Organizational Change Management and Transformation solutions to medium and large size clients in both the United States and Canada. Through its proprietary Change Portfolio Management Toolkit, Better Change Management helps clients to cost effectively implement a "Portfolio" of enterprise-wide change initiatives, while better managing and delivering business performance improvement.

What's on the Mind of Executives & Managers Is What Better Change Management Offers

The ultimate goal of Better Change Management is to help organizations perform better.

When organizations are plagued by change saturation and collision of initiatives and projects, everyone suffers:

  • Employees, who encounter each and every day the cumulative and collective impact of the numerous major, simultaneous and interdependent change efforts, become stressed, confused and frustrated. As a result, business improvement change initiatives experience delays, go over budget and do not deliver their intended results.
  • Ultimately, the Organization suffers from overall productivity and performance decline, which
    creates enterprise-wide strategic, financial and operational risks.

Better Change Management helps Executives and Managers to clearly understand the cumulative and collective impact of complex change initiatives on people, investment and project health - allowing to better control and manage the entire change portfolio within the organization, thereby delivering expected ROI.


Mark your calendar now for the next Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) Conference.


Click here to request a copy of the article published as part of the conference.

Services For You

New state-of-the-art Change Portfoliio Management Solution provides executives and managers a high-level view of the Porfolio of Change within the organization. Click here to get competitive!
Traditional Organizational Change Management Solutions provided to meet unique needs of your enterprise. Click here to benefit from the service offerings that have improved the performance of many clients already!
Examples of Typical Results and Client Benefits
Click here to view why clients provide "trusted advisor" feedback for Ilona.